Be Prepared - It's not just a motto, it's a way of life.
When disaster strikes, you rarely have much time to decide what actions to take.  The best way to handle an emergency scenario is to prepare before it occurs. By spending time each year practicing your plans, you can drastically improve your response time and chances of survival.  If you can involve your employer, co-workers, friends, and neighbors in the process, it can be a great community bonding experience.  Of course, there are many other benefits to being prepared.  Knowing what you are going to do will help to reduce anxiety and fear when disaster strikes.  Many different emergencies damage and disrupt millions of lives each year around the world.  Ultimately, you have the responsibility to protect your family by knowing what you will do before, during, and after a disaster.  

For some, being prepared isn’t just a motto, it’s a way of life. Consider these five tips for being prepared for any emergency.

  1. Assess your situation. Escaping immediate danger should be your top priority.
  2. Create a safety zone to ensure your ongoing safety so that you’ll be able to attend to other important needs like food and water.
  3. Consider first-aid needs. Gather your supplies and determine whether you or anyone else is in dire need of assistance.
  4. Identify your food and water sources. You won’t last long without these critical items.
  5. Stay warm and dry. If necessary, begin gathering wood and tinder for fire. Otherwise, make sure you have the proper shelter and protection to stay warm and dry.
While it isn’t always possible to predict what type of emergency may arise or when it will occur, as long as you have these basic items covered, you will be much better equipped to handle any emergency that comes your way.
Disaster planEmergency planningPlansPreparednessScoutingUncategorized

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