Potassium Iodate (Ki103)

BerkeySKU: POT-85-90

Quantity: POT 85mg (90 Tablets)
Sale price$25.00
Sold out


Product Description

* Potassium Iodate (Ki103) is made in the USA

NOTE: The larger 170mg tablets (POT 170), that come 60 per bottle, will be discontinued when out of stock and have a expiration date of *7-2021 

  • Potassium Iodate (Ki03) is a superior form of Ki that will shield or block the thyroid and prevent it from absorbing radioactive Iodine during a nuclear emergency
  • Each factory-sealed bottle contains 90 fresh tablets of Potassium Iodate 85 mg or 60 fresh tablets of Potassium Iodate 170mg
  • Exceptional shelf life due to an extra molecule of oxygen in Iodate
  • Unlike other blockers, this is NOT government surplus 130-mg tablets of Ki (potassium iodate)
  • Medical Corps recommends that each family member should have at least one bottle in their kit
  • Take only if directed by authorities or if radioactive fallout is imminent
  • Must be stored in a cool, dry place 
  •   When and how to use Potassium Iodate (KiO3)

*The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has made the following statement regarding shelf-life as follows: 

Is it safe to take KI tablets with an expired shelf-life?

Yes, potassium iodide tablets are inherently stable and do not lose their effectiveness over time.

NMCL does not endorse and cannot verify this claim; we are simply passing on this information made by a trusted governmental department that has conducted studies.   

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